Fun Fit Five v0.8.4 will be available February 19th. This version features bugfixes, UI improvements and gameplay updates to improve the game overall. We are also releasing our new website, with a new fresh look and even more information about the game than before. Hope you enjoy it!
Improvements / Bug Fixes
- We notice that for the non-repetitive workouts, sometimes the “Finish It” projectile wasn’t spawning at the end. This is now fixed
- We’ve made some small changes to the Rating Panel UI
- Fixed an issue where after the rest time (for ≥5min workouts) the Ray Interaction was still activated
- Adjusted how the All-Time chart was adding up the data and formatted the Time Spent to minutes instead of seconds
- Updated the model of the Tunnel Dodge Wall, in order to improve the mobility necessary to avoid it
- Fixed an issue where the “Finish It” text would show rotated in the wrong direction