Fun Fit Five v0.24.14 brings several quality of life updates. From new dodging walls to new feedback systems, we've worked hard behind the scenes to try and provide you with better ways to play the game!
- Add new feedback systems, such as the NPS survey
- Add a new audio queue for the portals in the 360º Workouts. With this, we hope you can better locate where the next portal is displayed
- Improved Dodge Walls and collision models
- We've added new models of Dodge Walls, specifically for 360º Workouts. We received feedback that it was too difficult to dodge the old ones - and we agree - so we've replaced them with fairer shapes, so you can dodge them more often
- We've redesigned the “Game Feedback” panel located in the main menu. You can still submit your opinions with a new user interface, but we have removed the “Rating” option, as we felt it no longer made sense to keep it there
- Update the message that is displayed when you are not on the leaderboard
- Slightly update the Leaderboard lists, highlighting the positions a bit more
- Along with updates to the movement behavior of portals, we've added a slight delay to the HUD, so that it rotates more in line with the generation of projectiles
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in the 360º Workouts where the first projectile in the main exercise did not appear in the correct position.
- Fixed an issue in the 360º Workouts where the portals did not rotate at the appropriate time using the correct angle.
- Fixed an error that occurred when players hit the head ring in any Warm-up
- Fixed a bug where the “Weekly goal completed” panel appeared every time you logged in - this happened to players who had an active weekly goal and were absent for more than two weeks