Fun Fit Five v0.24.0 updates a feature that hadn't been exploited much until now: leaderboards. In this revised version, we've improved the behavior of the existing one with more options and we've also added a new full competitive leaderboard.
- New and revisioned Leaderboards!
- All-time: your score for completing a workout over the entire lifetime of the game. Now separated by workout type and intensity
- Competitive: a weekly leaderboard composed of several variables (in order of importance): days played, time played and score. It refreshes automatically every Monday (00:00 UTC)
- Improved Leaderboard Tutorial panel
- Updated Workout Type (Punch, Blades, Hit Back) icons for better readability
- Add new practices steps for 360º workouts
- We've moved access to the leaderboards to the left-hand side of your Home page, along with the top 10 list of the Competitive leaderboard that will always be there
- Removed the Leaderboard option from the “Today” graph in the Performance Dashboard panel